Innovative Technologies.


Torontech’s Charpy Impact Broaching Machine – Double Broach

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To determine the amount of impact a piece of steel can absorb before breaking, companies use the Charpy pendulum impact test method. This test consists of breaking a notched test piece with a single blow from a swinging pendulum in order to determine the energy absorbed in the impact.

Torontech’s Charpy Impact Broaching Machine – Double Broach meets the growing demand for accurate and repeatable impact testing of metallic materials in accordance with ASTM and ISO specifications. With a solid, one-piece construction and a vibration-free base, Torontech’s Charpy Impact Broaching Machine – Double Broach provides a rigid, integrated assembly in order to prevent elastic energy losses.

Torontech offers optional upgrades such as software for fully automated testing and a low temperature chamber for thermally conditioned test (down to -196℃), providing companies the most effective pendulum impact test for metallic materials.

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