Innovative Technologies.


HPLC Detectors

HPLC Detectors - Utilizing high-resolution capabilities, the detector can be paired with versatile detectors like Fluorescence Detector (FLD), Refractive Index Detector (RID), Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD), and CAD. This allows for the detection of different compounds as required.

TT-HPLC lab Workstation


Ease of use

The workstation interface features a sleek, flat design for swift completion of tasks like method development, data acquisition, processing, and report editing and printing. The left side hosts a navigation area with quick access to functional modules such as project management, spectrogram acquisition, and integral processing. At the top of the acquisition interface, a common ribbon allows easy editing and execution of methods and sequences, eliminating the need for multi-level menus. On the right side of the acquisition interface, the status monitoring area dynamically displays the real-time status of the instrument.


User-friendly design

The workstation includes a standard method library that allows for direct retrieval and recall, enhancing work efficiency. Additionally, it provides intelligent diagnostics and maintenance reminders for the instrument.


Powerful data-processing capability

It allows for up to 25 integration events and offers three quantitative calculation methods: external standard method, internal standard method, and normalization method, ideal for handling complex data.



Database storage

The professional database system ensures the encryption of original files and secures the raw data, guaranteeing their safety and integrity.

Backup and restore

The workstation enables effortless data backup and restoration, providing convenient functionality for users.

Multi-level user system

It supports a customized multi-level access system for data, ensuring the system's effectiveness.


The workstation aligns with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 standards, ensuring comprehensive records and traceability of integrity.


Pharmaceutical Industry

Analysis of ginsenosides of Rg1, Re, Rb1

Referred to YBZ-PFKL-2021073

  • Column: C18 4.6×250 mm, 5μm
  • Mobile phase: A: ACN B: 0.1% phorsphoric acid/water
  • Temperature: 40℃
  • Injection Volume: 10μL
  • Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
  • Wavelength: 203nm
  • HPLC

    Analysis of specific spectrum of Lonicera japonica dispensing granules

    Referred to YBZ-PFKL-2021073

  • Column: C18 4.6×250 mm, 5μm
  • Mobile phase: A: ACN B: 0.1% phorsphoric acid/water
  • Temperature: 40℃
  • Injection Volume: 10μL
  • Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
  • Wavelength: 203nm
  • Column: C18 4.6×250 mm, 5μm
  • Mobile phase: A: ACN B: 0.4% phosphoric acid/water
  • Temperature: 35℃
  • Injection Volume: 15μL
  • Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
  • Wavelength: 350nm
  • HPLC

    Environmental Industry

    Analysis of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water

    Referred to HJ 478-2009

  • Column: C18 4.6×250 mm, 5μm
  • Mobile phase: A: ACN B: Water
  • Temperature: 30℃
  • Injection Volume: 10μL
  • Flow rate: 1.2 mL/min
  • Wavelength: time program
  • HPLC

    Analysis of aldehyde and ketone compounds in waste gas from stationary pollution sources

    Referred to HJ 1153-2020

  • Column: C18 4.6×250 mm, 5μm
  • Mobile phase: A: Methanol B: ACN C: Water
  • Temperature: 35℃
  • Injection Volume: 10μL
  • Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
  • Wavelength: time program
  • HPLC

    Veterinary Drugs

    Analysis of the veterinary drug Enrofloxacin

    Referred to the 2020 Chinese Veterinary Pharmacopoeia

  • Column: C18 column (4.6×250mm, 5μm)
  • Mobile phase: 0.025% mol/L aqueous solution of phosphate (pH to 3.3 with triethylamine) + acetonitrile (83+17)
  • Temperature: 25 °C
  • Injection volume: 10 μL
  • Flow rate: 1.0mL/min
  • Wavelength: 278 nm
  • HPLC

    Dairy Products

    Dairy immunoglobulin IgG analysis

    Referred to T/SSFS0002-2021

  • Column: BioCoreTMSEC-300se column (4.6×250mm, 5μm)
  • Mobile phase: 20 mmol/L phosphate solution (pH = 7.0)
  • Temperature: 30 °C
  • Injection volume: 10 μL
  • Flow rate: 0.5mL/min
  • Wavelength: 214nm
  • HPLC


    Analysis of sialic acid in bird's nest and its products

    Column: 300SCX Cation Exchange Column (4.6×250 mm, 5 μm)

  • Mobile phase: acetonitrile + 0.1% aqueous phosphate solution (90 + 10)
  • Column temperature: 30 °C
  • Injection volume: 10 μL
  • Flow rate: 1.0mL/min
  • Wavelength: 205 nm
  • HPLC


    Analysis of p-phenylenediamine, 2,5-diaminotoluene, and resorcinol in hair dyes

    Referred to "Cosmetic Safety Technical Specifications"

  • Column: C18 column (4.6×250mm, 5μm)
  • Mobile phase: Acetonitrile + methanol + 0.02mol/L ammonium acetate buffer (pH 7.5) (2.5 + 2.5 + 95)
  • Temperature: 25 °C
  • Injection volume: 20 μL
  • Flow rate: 1.0mL/min
  • Wavelength: 280nm
  • HPLC
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