Innovative Technologies.


Torontech Introduces Toronsurge™, Our New Line of State-of-the-art Operating Tables

Electromechanical Operating Table

Torontech is pleased to announce its new line of distinctive operating tables, ToronSurge, which provide the best support possible for the patient as well as the surgical team.

The ToronSurge™ operating tables are pre-programmed with typical positioning, such as Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg, and can also be easily adjusted by the surgical team to facilitate all basic and specialized surgical activities:

  • ToronSurge1000 is a universal operating table with high-quality electromechanical drives, enabling numerous possibilities for positioning to improve access for surgeons.
  • ToronSurge 2000 offers unique x-ray and C-Arm capabilities, with the capacity for incredibly flexible articulations that result in impeccable ergonomic access.
  • ToronSurge 3000 is our most advanced operating table, equipped with hydraulic and gas spring drives for increased power. The ToronSurge™ 3000 tabletop is x-ray translucent with slots for x-ray film cassette insertion, making radiography possible over the entire length of the table.

With fully stainless steel construction, the ToronSurge™ operating tables are durable and sturdy, while also being flexible and extremely easy to adjust in real time. Additionally, all of our ToronSurge™ operating tables are equipped with special antistatic and antibacterial pad covers, which are easily removable and totally sealed to facilitate thorough cleaning.

The customizability and elegant, streamlined design of ToronSurge™ make these operating tables the most adaptable solutions on the market. For more information, please visit here.

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