Innovative Technologies.


Advanced Plastic Recycling Machinery From Torontech

Plastic recycling is a key industry for a smooth transition towards the circular economy, not just for the environment, but also for the economy and to achieve the goals for making better livings. It is essential to continue working on optimizing the management and recovery of plastic waste, developing new applications, and improving recycling processes.

The reasons behind the low percentage of plastic recycling are manifold. We often simply throw away all plastics into the recycling bin, however, due to the material properties of plastics, not all can be recycled. 

About 90% of global plastic production is thermoplastics that can be melted and molded over and over to produce new plastics, which in theory makes all thermoplastics recyclable. The leftover 10% of the global plastic production are thermoset plastics which when exposed to heat instead of melting, are combusting, making them impossible to recycle. Examples of products in which this type of plastics is used include electrical insulation, ropes, belts, pipes, and more.

Torontech plastic recycling division can offer the best industrial scale solutions for:

  • Post-consumer plastic recycling
  • In-house and industrial plastic recycling
  • Bottle recycling 
  • Special material recycling

Plastic recycling machinery from Torontech is designed for a single purpose: to make plastics recycling as innovative and efficient as possible. We develop reliable machines and components that are customer and solution-oriented in every detail.

Do you want to experience our plastics recycling machines in action? Please contact our team of experts at Torontech:

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